What We Do

We will speak life and restoration through the word of God, which will challenge, change equip and build a strong Spirit filled Purpose Driven Women

What We Do

Core Values

  • Provide an arena for Sharing and Fellowship: Connecting Women to One Another. We are changed by one another's testimonies! Fear of rejection is removed, and women begin to experience God's heart when they share their own hearts with one another.
  • Promote self-worth and the desire to be successful in their ministries, work and community.
  • To encourage, challenge and empower women through the word of God to be consistent in their prayer lives.
  • To give directions and solutions, through the word of God to identified situations and experiences.
  • We are committed to seeking and finding God's purpose for our lives.
  • We encourage women in their development of gifts and talents through teaching, training and workshops.
  • We seek to serve the community in whichever area we can and support women in their time of need.
What We Do

Projects & Plans

  • To network with appropriate agencies.
  • To purchase a van for outreach work.
  • Provide support to women in their time of need, and provide a counselling and mentoring service.
  • To open a prayer and encouragement support call line.
  • Organise social and fundraising events.
  • To promote the teaching and development of skills in areas such as health, finance, business,education and relationships.
  • Host seminars, retreats and support identified meetings abroad
  • To open a Women's outreach/refuge service.

This is not supposed to be a boundary or a definitive list as God is continually adding to the vision.